Monday, November 23, 2015

Technology Reducing Home Energy Consumption

In the last year, I have blogged about technology devices that I have used and rated, along with the installation of LED light bulbs.  I am happy to report that I have replaced everybulb in my house with LED lightbulbs with the exception of two chandeliers.  The reduction in electricity usage has been more dramatic than I would have guessed.  I also added a Google Nest thermostat and Zuli Smartplugs to three electricity hog devices.  The cost of all of these energy upgrades is:

  • $200 - Google Nest thermostat,
  • $159 - Zuli Smartplugs (3 of them), which work with the Google Nest thermostat and smartphones,
  • $25 - Hot water heater blanket, and
  • $575 - LED lightbulbs.  For a total of
  • $1,000 exclcuding taxes 
Total is roughly $1,000 of energy upgrades.  I have dropped from an energy consumer using more electricity than my neighborhood homes to below the energy efficient homes.  Yes, call me competitive, but this was a fun and extremely satisfying and rewarding project.  I can demonstrate the breakpoints of when the changes were begun and continued.  I can also determine when my energy hogs (sons) are home from college.  

Before anyone goes out and tries to make there home energy efficient with expensive devices, the most cost effective of all of the energy upgrades is the LED lighting.  Bulbs at Home Depot right now average $2.00 per bulb (65 watt standard bulb, meaning not flood light bulbs or special bulbs).  My costs are at an average of $5.00 per bulb and I waited for the sales or the subsidies and was very disciplined about my bulb purchasing.

If every American household were to now go out and purchase the bulbs, the energy savings within the US would be substantial.  So, substantial that the likelihood of additional power plants being built would decrease dramatically and we could focus on closing low efficiency coal-fired power plants.

I will provide specific data in the next blog.  Buy your bulbs today, and light up your green life.

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